Bloodborne Pathogens Certification Tattoo Test Preparation

Bloodborne Pathogens Test Tattoo
Home » Bloodborne Pathogens Certification Tattoo Test Preparation

Many tattoo artists are a little concerned at the thought of having to take a bloodborne pathogens test in order to obtain their bloodborne pathogens certificate and become OSHA compliant.

A bloodborne pathogens test or quiz is a necessary component of any Bloodborne Pathogens certification for Tattoo Artist training program but it’s really nothing to be worried about.

Online Bloodborne Pathogens Tattoo Training

The chances are you are completing an online bloodborne pathogens tattoo training course, so the quiz or test will you take will also be online, which is good news.

This typically means it will take the form of multiple choice questions either as a longer final exam, or as shorter quizlets at the end of each bloodborne pathogen tattoo training module.

We highly recommend you choose an online training vendor that uses shorter quizzes. Why you may ask? Well, shorter bloodborne pathogens test quizlets at the end of each training module mean that the material is fresh in your head and you won’t be looking back through an hour of content to find the right answer if you do get a question wrong.

The best online bloodborne pathogens tattoo training courses will give you the option to take the bloodborne pathogens test as many times as you need.

You should check that any course that you are enrolling for has the ability to review content easily and as many times as you need to. If a course is broken down into multiple sections and lessons or topics this is a good sign it’s built using instructional design best practice.

Take Bloodborne Pathogens for Tattoo Preparation Test

OK we know you want to get started. You can take the interactive bloodborne pathogens test tattoo preparation now.

Here are a few things to remember:

  • You will answer 10 Bloodborne Pathogens tattoo test questions from a bank of 20.
  • The question and answers are both randomized as they would be in a real online test so you won’t see the same question or answers in the same order each time – feel free to take the test as many times as you like.
  • You will see the correct answers when you submit the final question.
  • The questions are taken from the bloodborne pathogens certification for tattoo artists training module that covers Tattoo and Body Art Professional, but usually you would answer 2 shorter quizzes covering the Bloodborne Pathogens training main content first.
  • You can share you results online via the social buttons.
  • You can take the real bloodborne pathogens test for tattoo artists as part of our  bloodborne pathogens certification.
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Bloodborne Pathogens Tattoo Test

This Bloodborne Pathogens Tattoo Test quiz will help you to prepare and know what to expect when you come to complete the test for your Bloodborne Pathogens Tattoo Certificate.

1 / 10

Even though tattooing is an invasive procedure, it does not have the potential to cause serious skin and blood infections as it only penetrates the topmost layer of the human skin.

2 / 10

What type of product destroys or inactivates germs and prevents them from growing?

3 / 10

What’s the best time to ask your employer about the specific steps that need to be taken if you suspect that you’ve been exposed to bloodborne pathogens?

4 / 10

A body art professional gets up to quickly to deal with a walk-in enquiry but doesn’t remove their gloves. They touched the customer’s smartphone, a pen, the reservation book, and possibly other items. Does this increase the chances of cross contamination?

5 / 10

Contact transmission is:

6 / 10

Universal precautions are:

7 / 10

One of the most critical things you need to know as a body artist is:

8 / 10

In addition to bloodborne diseases, there are other medical issues relating to:

9 / 10

The use of gloves is optional when performing body art procedures.

10 / 10

From the options presented, select the most effective for reducing the potential for transmission of bloodborne pathogens in the body art professional’s work environment:

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